How to File an Appeal

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An appeal is a formal request for special consideration regarding a decision made by the certification board or its representatives related to an individual’s achievement or retention of a certification.

The NDCB endeavors to handle appeals in a constructive, impartial, and timely manner. Any appeals by a candidate or certified persons must be submitted using the Candidate/Certified Persons Appeals Application Form found in the forms section of this website. no later than An appeal must be submitted within 10 days of the notification of a decision by the NDCB. Individuals must submit a completed Appeals Application found on the NDCB website and send via email to to with the word “Appeal” and the student’s name in the subject line of the email.

The form that must be used for all appeals is called The Candidate & Certified Person Appeals Application and it can be found in the Forms section of the NDCB website or from the NDCB. Appeals are not accepted without this form. All relevant supporting documentation must be included, and copies must be included with the submission.

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